Tuesday, September 16, 2014


We've had pears on our pear tree. They are yummy. 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Garden tour..

I mostly puttered in the garden today, so thought I'd take y'all on a garden tour. It is overlong, but I got excited so bear with me. 

I'm really enjoying my bolted, overgrown radishes, and the bees go crazy for them too. So despite their floppiness they stay.

I don't know what these flowers are, do you? My neighbors gave them to me last year.

The herb steps. 

A couple of the pear branches are doing really well, others are totally bare. These are the Rescue pear and the Highland pear.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Ladybugs are beneficial garden bugs.

I've forgotten the vast majority of my childhood, so I always find it astounding what a good memory Rhona has. She got her ladybug costume out of the basement and said, "I wear this sometimes and get candy." Those little synapses haven't been written over yet, I guess. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

That was then, this is now.

First birthday...

Second birthday...

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I kid you not this is the computer from whence I blog today. Thank you, Linton, for cleaning out the computer. It no longer overheats; you are a peach.

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Rhona met one today.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Kitchen help

I just ate raw onion face...

 Even Sophie is a help...

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter was a blur

Or at least this picture of Rhona's Easter getup is. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

April in the valley

April in the Skagit Valley can only mean one thing, and thanks to my Mama our yard join in the fun.

Spring Break

We escaped Washington for a spring break trip to the Oregon coast. Rhona's first impression of the ocean? "Swings! Swings!" Thank you Seaside!

It wouldn't be a family vacation without Mr. Woofles.

After a night in Seaside we escaped to a little cabin south of Tillamook with a truly gorgeous beach. Did I take any decent pictures of it? Alas, no. But apparently the deck was worth lots of nakie time, just ask the toddler.

On the way home we went to the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum, mostly to see the Spruce Goose, but honestly the whole thing was incredible. Rhona was very into the planes, in this picture she's talking nonstop about how the lid of the plane will come down over your head and lock into place so you can fly. I had no idea it would be such a hit.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Car care

Shona: tell Geoff that the car still gets vacuumed once a year whether it needs it or not! And we think of him ever time.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Saturday, February 15, 2014

More winter gardening

I pruned as much as I dared this year. Lovely old overgrown cherry tree: more will come off in years to come.

The rose that was here when we moved in had reverted to root stock. It was very sad. I pulled it up and replaced with mock orange which I chose hoping to attracting butterflies and hummingbirds. 

Rhona & Henry after harvesting our first batch of vermicompost

In other words planting that pear tree really kicked me into gear. I absolutely love having a garden to muck around in. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Putting down roots

... literally. We planted a new pear tree in the back yard. You will forgive the blurriness of the photo as it accurately expresses our happiness about said pear tree. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014