Sunday, December 11, 2011

Out at Tweets

Yesterday Linton and I tackled one of the old piles of construction left overs next to our house. I didn't take any pictures, but you can imagine - hauling off junk is very satisfying. Afterward we congratulated ourselves by eating at Tweets in Edison. I'd checked out this little restaurant before, but never eaten. You see, it's counter service and the meals are in the 12-16 dollar range. Those two things seem mutually exclusive to me. Sixteen bucks for a meal, yes, but you get your order taken. Counter service sure, but that's an 8 dollar sandwich. Anyway I had a serious hanker to try it out yesterday. Here is what we found...

My polenta, poblano pepper, cheese and red sauce was so, so good. Really toe curling. The atmosphere was sweet and warm. In other words I think I'm over my aversion to a pricey counter service meal. I'd go back. Linton? Hmmm, I wonder.

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