Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ebey's landing

We hiked Ebey's landing yesterday. Oh aren't weekends wonderful? This beautiful hike has the Puget Sound on one side and lovely farm land on the other. It was a foggy day, so no view of the Olympics, but the fog gave us its own show.

Henry made friends on the beach.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hiding from all those boxes

Henry has a new place to hang out: under the porch. He'll probably just stay there until all this unpacking is over.

Excuses, excuses

But I have a really good excuse for not posting very much in the past couple of weeks.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Ch ch ch changes

Tonight I peeked into a folder of pictures I'd called "Henry." In it there was a picture of him on the first day we got him. Check it out.

All I could think was, "What?!?! His tongue looks nothing like that!" Want the evidence? Check out this photo taken a couple of weeks ago.

All his spots are growing. Isn't that wild?