Friday, January 30, 2015


We made paper lanterns last night, and so did lots of other people. It was a free city sponsored event.

 Waiting for our walk to start.

All of us walking our creations by the river. This here town grows on me more and more. 

There was that one time...

And then there was that time I didn't put anything on the blog for several months, but we have been doing fun stuff. And occasionally I take pictures. 

There was the time we went on farm tours and Rhona got to ride on the fattest donkey I've ever seen.

There was the time two of my favorite people mowed the lawn together.

 And there was that time at the zoo.

 And there has been some time knitting.

There was the time we got a Christmas tree and this is, possibly, the only picture I have of it.

There was that one time with the smoothie. Who am I trying to kid ?- every time with a smoothie...

 Then there was the day I asked my child if she wanted to pick out my outfit. Yup, wore that all day!

And there have been a lot of days with Max.

So there it is in a nutshell. Some pictures of some things over the past few months.