Friday, November 30, 2012

Date night

Date night happened a couple of weeks ago. I forgot to blog about it because date night isn't an adorable baby with chubby cheeks. But it was a stellar date with my sweetie.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Night, night

Bath in the sink because Ro is getting too big for her bucket, and getting awfully good at sitting up. 

 Night, night birdies.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Half a year

Look at what half a year will get you - amazing! I have been taking videos of Rhona and emailing them to some friends and family, but today Linton took this of her and asked if it could go on the blog. What a light bulb moment, of course I can put videos on the blog! Look for more of these.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rhona in green

Rhona is six months in two days, these will suffice as her six month pictures. Good lord I am so in love with this girl. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Riding high

I might just live with the two cutest people alive. Just sayin'...

New shoes

Rhona got some rockin' new shoes from Granny and Grandpa Glasgow. Handmade in Australia. Rhona would like you to know that they are not only cute, but also delicious. She munches them every chance she gets.

Solid food, daddy style

Who needs to bother with all that cooking, blending and freezing tiny portions that keeps mama so busy? Just hand the baby some food. See? She loves it!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Little pals and their mamas

Back to San Francisco here for a moment...

My blog chronology is all out of whack here, but Uncle Sandy just sent some truly lovely pictures of Amanda and Daniel's wedding party. The party where I took zero pictures, boo. Thank goodness for relatives - thank you Uncle Sandy!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Nom, nom, nom!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Travelling with baby

Last weekend we went down to SF for Amanda and Daniel's wedding. It was so lovely, and travelling with the baby was much easier than expected. Even still I took all week to recover, as her sleep really fell apart over the trip, but that's another story for when you want a really, really boring story. For now let's skip to the pictures. 

Awake and happy on the flight out.

 City hall wedding o loveliness...

Post wedding celebrations...

Birthday boy!

Sleepy baby on the way home.