Friday, June 20, 2014

Garden tour..

I mostly puttered in the garden today, so thought I'd take y'all on a garden tour. It is overlong, but I got excited so bear with me. 

I'm really enjoying my bolted, overgrown radishes, and the bees go crazy for them too. So despite their floppiness they stay.

I don't know what these flowers are, do you? My neighbors gave them to me last year.

The herb steps. 

A couple of the pear branches are doing really well, others are totally bare. These are the Rescue pear and the Highland pear.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Ladybugs are beneficial garden bugs.

I've forgotten the vast majority of my childhood, so I always find it astounding what a good memory Rhona has. She got her ladybug costume out of the basement and said, "I wear this sometimes and get candy." Those little synapses haven't been written over yet, I guess.