The print is by Cristine Wardenburg-Skinner. She had her work up in the Rexville Grocery during my last month working there. I was instantly in love with this image and dreamed of taking it to Colorado with me to remind me of home. In late October I asked Linton to give it to me for Christmas, and a couple of days later the print had sold. I was thrilled. But Joyce, my boss who was in the know, told me that Linton hadn't bought it. I thought she was being coy, but it was true he hadn't. He didn't go back to the Rexville for the print until weeks later. When he found the print had been sold Joyce put him in touch with the artist who made this print especially for us.
The image is a perfect visual memento of my home town, transporting me to the Skagit Valley every time I look up. The story is a wonderful reminder of how well taken care of I am in life. It seems wherever I turn the universe conspires to make life sweet. I feel especially grateful today.
*sigh*... nostalgia is kickin' in