Thursday, July 30, 2009

From "ewww" to "ahhh"

The old dingy runner...

... completely stuck to the floor

Much better now.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


My birthday flower! Gorgeous, gorgeous glads.


Remember this?

It has now become this:

I dug about 1/3 of it into a patch of garden today. Note: number 7 compostable plastic from corn didn't compost, neither did small twigs. But what is compost worth if you don't have an excuse to dig through it with your bare hands? Yum.


Looks like we're really Coloradans now.

It's about time

Dani, Hannah and I got into making soap in high school. I am finally using my last bar. You don't think I'm racing into things do you?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Swimming at the Boulder Reservoir...ahhhh swimming in summer. Ahhh sister.

This porch is the best.

Visit from Amanda

Hi all, sorry it has been so long. I was all wrapped up in my visit from Amanda. Hooray for sisters! We went out to the Waterloo... like ya do!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Happy anniversary

One year ago...


Happy anniversary, us.


Lafayette flea market, and found pots. Next door garden center for decorative grass. I have one much improved porch.

Lo and behold one yard project inspires another.

Saturday BBQ

Saturday afternoons are for BBQs on the porch.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Rocky Mountain National Park

Just one more post of Scott and Fran's visit... our drive through Rocky Mountain National Park very, very high in the air.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

At home

At home today. Polishing half a year worth of tea off of spoons, and dinner off of forks. Thank goodness for NPR.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

On a train, in a mine

We celebrated our one year anniversary a week early, taking advantage of a 3 day weekend. Up to Clear Creek County for a ride on the historic Georgetown loop railroad, and into an old silver mine. Georgetown, one of the cutest towns ever.

This guy was just made for his job. It was hard to imagine him wearing jeans and buying groceries after his shift, far easier to imagine him cooking beans over an open fire next to the rails.

Double plus cutie husband... happy anniversary us!

String Trimmer

This is what happens when the boys go shopping. Very exciting.


And it works!

Backyard before (never mind the chair - I was documenting some painting)
