Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Brie in Portland

Last Wednesday Mom and I drove down to Portland to see my brother in a play called Brie. It was totally fun, wild and completely raunchy. We couldn't have been more proud.

Cliff, as you can see, was totally amped up before the show.

Yay for Cliff! I can't wait to see him in the next show.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Dames and Gents

We got all gussied up and went out on the town.


The entertainment was wild...

October tomatoes

Yes, that's what I said. This October has been so warm and sunny that we are still getting tomatoes. I say 'still' like we'd been getting them all summer, when in reality they'd only just started ripening in September. But hey it is the PNW, and we'll take what we can get regarding tomatoes.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Coming out of my shell

Okay this blog has been way too quite for way too long. I have been completely blogging shy ever since the move. My big fat ego just had to get used to the idea that we moved back into the mobile (I'm trying to redub it the long house. I mean really - how much better does that sound?). We have been here a month. We've done lots to make it nice and cozy. Most recently...

I ditched the old glass topped table and rearranged my plants thus...

Linton cleared the trees of blackberries and rubbish and we hung our wee hammock...

And together made a fire pit that we christened with a fire last night...

Oh ya, I'm getting back into the blogging swing of things now.