Monday, March 28, 2011

Hand me down heaven

A couple of days ago I was at work and waiting on the local knit shop owner (who I'm obviously friendly with). I was in the right place at the right time because a gal breezed in with an enormous pile of knitting magazines. She tried to give them to the knit shop owner, who graciously passed them all onto me. Holy cow - what a score!!! So, so many new patterns to dive into.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Live band karaoke

Live band karaoke with The Uncanny Valley, such fun. Ria and I sang Stand By Me - awwww.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I do almost all of my shopping second hand, and occasionally there is a real score. Bring on spring.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Soda bread

Soda bread from Traditional Scottish Recipes, thank you Sally! I was long overdue in giving this book a try. Yum, yum.


After five months of a long commute I finally discovered the bus. Why did that take me so long? My daily routine now includes listening to audio books and knitting, a major improvement over the old routine of filling the car with gas.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Green card!!!

Linton got his green card in the mail yesterday. Previously he was a temporary permanent resident. Now they've knocked the temporary off of his title and he's a permanent resident. Way to go, Mr. Porteous!!!

To celebrate we went out to the brewery ...

...Henry waited patiently outside.

Then we went home, and continued celebrations with French 75s.

Mossy mitts

Just in time for St. Pat's, I finished my mossy green mitts.

Raahr... mitts want beer, or better yet man! (watch out, Linton!)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I know the date is all wrong, but spring has absolutely sprung in our neighborhood.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

First fires

We had our first fire since Guy Fawkes night. Goodness it has become warm this week! Expect several more posts about our fire pit. I plan on getting a lot of use out of it.

Linton, make me more firewood!

PS: Everybody knows to click on the image to view it larger, right? I think you should all see cute Linton in full screen. :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

The changing of the guard

My folks have a house full of lovely, ancient things, and occasionally Nan comes over to rearrange and make beautiful all the old lugandies (sp?...old McDade word meaning treasure). It is so wonderful to have a rotation, because keep something in one place for long and you just stop seeing it. Here is the most recent incarnation of the goods. Again I missed a before picture - I've really got to get better about that!

Whoo, whoo

Another knitting quickie, much needed because I'm in the middle of exceptionally fiddly this. When we first moved back to the mobile I woke up in the middle of the night to an owl hooting. Ever since I've felt like having more owls around the house. So this is a nice start.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Last year I made this. But after wearing it for several months it had become huge, so it fell totally out of use. Finally, I got around to re-blocking it. Using warm water and a little hand agitation, it shrunk down to a better size. Then I had fun goofing off in front of the camera this morning.

Still a relative newbie of wearing my hand knits I don't know if this is normal, but my hand knits do tend to grow as they're worn.