Saturday, October 17, 2009


My stitch and bitch group, The Boulder Knitting Collective, is doing a knit-along. Everyone in the group knits one of the same pattern for themselves. Ours is the Mondo Cable Cardi, and today I bought the yarn for mine.


  1. Stitch and bitch must be a craft/knit expression. In Cowell there is an embroidery/quilting/gift type shop that is called, "Stich 'n Bits" which is known locally as, "Stitch 'n Bitch." I want to know - Do you bitch?

  2. Yea we bitch! Our hands are busy knitting so our mouths keep pretty busy too. Usually it is a pleasant chat, and not angry bitching. But you've got to admit that as names go stitch-and-chat doesn't pack the same punch.
