"I really don't see what all the fuss was about. I wasn't that dirty."
Saturday, January 30, 2010
"Not a bath, anything but a bath! Aww come on, let me in the house. I swear I won't get this mud on anything."

"I really don't see what all the fuss was about. I wasn't that dirty."
"I really don't see what all the fuss was about. I wasn't that dirty."
Tassajara bread book
Last week I tried to make bread out of a standard cook book. I was rewarded with the hardest, whitest, yeastiest brick ever known. I didn't throw it away, but rather reinforced a weak spot on one of the outside walls of the house. With that epic fail under my belt I went straight out and bought the Tassajara Bread Book.

Hair cut
Friday, January 22, 2010
Retribution & slippers
On our way to the airport we took a shuttle that picked us up three hours before our flight, but dropped us off so late our flight was already boarding. We raced our check in baggage through security and tossed all of our liquids. In the too fast mess I lost the best slippers ever. Gurrr!! Then we ran like crazy people through the airport and got panting onto the plane, the door closing directly behind us.
After a firmly penned letter, and follow up phone calls (all Linton's doing) we were reimbursed for everything we lost. Justice!
Tonight the replacement best slippers ever arrived. Ordered here if you want some. They are cozier than is probably legal.
After a firmly penned letter, and follow up phone calls (all Linton's doing) we were reimbursed for everything we lost. Justice!
Tonight the replacement best slippers ever arrived. Ordered here if you want some. They are cozier than is probably legal.
Christmas continues
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Bishop's castle
We took a road trip this weekend and visited Bishop Castle. I've never been afraid of heights, but climbing around that place gave me the heebie jeebies. Linton was very brave and climbed up to the top, he took most of these pictures.

Jim Bishop, bless him, is a raving loony. He was outside painting a new sign, there's about a hundred already littering the place, and raving. He kept saying, "You know there's no difference between a democrat, republican, dictator, or a Nazi, and if you disagree with me you can get out of here!" One of his other favorites was retelling the story of a fight he got into with a guy twenty years younger than him who dared disagree with him! Wowza.

I wasn't faking; I was really nervous!

Nervous with good reason, I'd say.

Check out that dangling ladder and half finished walk way - YIKES!

I wasn't faking; I was really nervous!
Nervous with good reason, I'd say.
Check out that dangling ladder and half finished walk way - YIKES!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Generation T
I got a book for Christmas from Linton, Generation T, and today made my first tee shirt alteration. I forgot to take a picture of the original tee, but it was a $2 over sized maternity shirt from our local charity shop. Sewing is so fast, makes me wonder why knit.

Now I'm ready for some hot weather!
Now I'm ready for some hot weather!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
custardy popovers
Custardy popovers from the Moosewood cookbook by Molly Katzen worth buying the whole book for these delicious morsels. Warning: totally sane, usually quite healthy women can down five at a time without batting an eyelash. I only know that because someone told me, not because I actually did it, or, um, like anything.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
dead sock
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Happy new car - I mean year.
Linton and I celebrated the new year by going out and buying a new (for us) car. If you didn't hear the story (and let's face it you would have been hiding under a rock if you knew us and didn't hear the story by now) our transmission gave out on 'Minty' the Hyundai Elantra. Boo! We felt very sorry for ourselves until...

We don't feel sorry for ourselves anymore. In fact, we feel downright stylish.
(Second photo courtesy of the dealer - I say courtesy like I asked...)

We don't feel sorry for ourselves anymore. In fact, we feel downright stylish.
(Second photo courtesy of the dealer - I say courtesy like I asked...)
Full bloom
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