We took a road trip this weekend and visited
Bishop Castle. I've never been afraid of heights, but climbing around that place gave me the heebie jeebies. Linton was very brave and climbed up to the top, he took most of these pictures.

Jim Bishop, bless him, is a raving loony. He was outside painting a new sign, there's about a hundred already littering the place, and raving. He kept saying, "You know there's no difference between a democrat, republican, dictator, or a Nazi, and if you disagree with me you can get out of here!" One of his other favorites was retelling the story of a fight he got into with a guy twenty years younger than him who dared disagree with him! Wowza.

I wasn't faking; I was really nervous!

Nervous with good reason, I'd say.

Check out that dangling ladder and half finished walk way - YIKES!

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