Thursday, March 18, 2010

from spice jar to bud vase

I was inspired by a very similar crochet pattern I saw online yesterday (and now can't find to link to - Doh!). Their pattern was for baby food jars, and I needed something longer and leaner for my spice jar. Also, I can't crochet, so made it into a knit project. Here is the pattern:

worsted weight yarn
4.25 dpns

co 6 sts
divide sts evenly over 3 needles
join the yarn
*K1, M1, K1 repeat from * to end of row (9sts)
*K1, M1 to last st on needle, K1 repeat from * to end of row (15sts)
repeat the previous row (27sts)
K 3 rounds even
Begin ribbing: *K1,P1 to the last st on the needle, K1 repeat from * to end of row
continue ribbing until the holder is the length you want it.
BO to the last three sts
With these three sts make an i cord twice the length you want your handle.
As you bind off these three sts pick up and knit them together with the three sts opposite the i cord's beginning.


  1. Sounds like gibberish to me but I LOVE the finished product!

  2. No kidding, Swan, knit patterns do seem like gibberish. :)

  3. very cool thanks for the pattern my friend!!!
