Thursday, April 8, 2010


I'm employed. It is at a shocking rate I haven't worked for since high school. What can I say? Times are tough, oh ya, and it is in a knitting shop. Fantastic.

Speaking of knitting, this is just a teaser photo because this gifty hasn't been mailed yet. I think my friends and family should keep having babies, because knitting for infants is the best thing ever.


  1. cheers to employment!!!!

    I'm jealous, my dream is to own and run a yarn shop;)

  2. CONGRATS on the job!!! AND that is AMAZING that you get to work with yarn at your side!!! :D

  3. MARTY!!! you got a job at a knitting shop!??! whats your discount? ;) i'm so happy for you *hugs*!

  4. OMG - I'm so jealous..I so wish I could work in a knitting shop! It's so worth the pay cut, huh! Congratulations!

  5. Great job with the knitting transformation!! And congratulations on the job.
